Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Form and style in Visual Arts

The categorization of design is based on the senses that are being mainly addressed. There are three main categories:
1.      Visual
2.      Auditory
3.      Audiovisual

There are three types of visual design: Visual static surface design, visual static solid design and visual mobile temporally developed design.
Visual, static, surface design can be presented in flat, curvy or polyhedral surface. The components that are presented are line, texture and color. The visual, static, surface design is also divided in three different designs: Strip design, Bounded-area design and all-over design.
Strip design is long, narrow and continuous. It is developed by the extension or the separation of the units in heraldic stripe.
Bounded-area designs are two dimensional designs with a size and shape limit, differentiating on the shape and size of the area that is presented. They have a frame and the artists has to create a composition within the frame.
Allover design doesn’t have a frame in any of the four directions and it is only two dimensional. It has to arrange the units on two coordinate, intersecting system of lines and not just a single main axes. This type of design can be flat or three dimensional. It is repeated again and again as long as there is room for it’s repetition.
The visual, static, solid design is a three dimensional type of design with extension in depth and length. The units consist of different solid parts. There are four categories to this design: Exterior design, interior design, combinations of two and intermediate.
The exterior design is the architecture seen from outside. It can have different designs and different meanings from different points of view.
The interior design is the design you see when you’re surrounded or partially surrounded inside of a building, room, garden or enclosed city square.
The combinations of two is the connection between the interior design and exterior design. Different elements can have different designs on the interior and exterior part.
The intermediate design varies from the amount of three dimensional development. When it has a low relief it is considered static surface design on a bounded area and when it is high and detached from the background it is considered static solid design.
There are two types of visual, mobile, temporally developed design: Mobile Surface Design and Mobile Solid Design.
Examples for mobile surface design are motion pictures and shadow plays on a flat surface.
Mobile Solid Design presents solid figures in determined motion. It is presented in three dimensions.
Auditory Design has three main categories: Musical design, Word-sound design and Verbal-musical design.
Musical design is based on thematic development of rhythm, pitch, timbre etc.
Word-sound design is presented when literature is spoken.
Verbal-musical design is a combination of musical and word-sound themes and patterns.
The two types of Audiovisual design are:
Audiovisual surface design, which is the combination of mobile visual patterns and music.
Audiovisual solid design, which is the combination of mobile solid patterns with auditory ones.

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